Engage school administrators with effective email marketing. Learn tips to build trust, inspire action, and drive meaningful results.
Read MoreRelying on a single channel is no longer enough to engage educators, administrators, and decision-makers. A multi-channel approach ensures your message reaches your audience where they are, reinforces your value across platforms, and provides data-driven insights to refine your strategy.
Read MoreEducation is moving online and schools and districts now rely on digital resources at unprecedented rates. At the same time, research shows that retention rates are 25% to 60% higher in e-learning than in traditional classroom settings.
Read MoreThe education marketplace is a crowded one, with new companies offering new solutions at a rapid pace. Traditional channels like email or organic social media are becoming harder to convert on as consumers get pickier and more sophisticated about how they engage with providers.
Read MoreBudgets are tight for both emerging and established edtech companies, and the infamous education funding fiscal cliff of 2024 is no help. The good news is that using data analytics and market research removes guesswork, enabling better audience engagement and yielding stronger return on investments with time and money.
Read MoreWhile the school year may be winding down for students, now is hardly the time for education marketers to take a summer break. Summer is a key season to ramp up engagement with the education audience, offering a rare chance to connect with school administrators and teachers.
Read MoreFor those both new and seasoned within the educational sector, the paramount marketing investment lies in cultivating authentic connections with your intended audience.
Read MoreIt's time to shed light on the importance of a multi-channel marketing strategy that goes far beyond just utilizing social media for promotion and discovery.
Read MoreUnlike most sectors, the K-12 education buying cycle is driven by specific timelines and considerations that educators and decision-makers follow throughout the academic year.
Read MoreRead on for a status update on federal and state-level funding and spending, forecasted K-12 spending trends, and our expert recommendations.
Read MoreRead all about Ed2Market’s experience attending the 2022 EdWeek Market Brief Summit in Dallas, TX!
Read MoreIn this blog post, we detail some ways you can reuse your content across multiple platforms to reach your broadest audience.
Read MoreLearn 10 of the best practices you can use for email marketing as an education company in this post.
Read MoreEver thought about gating content? In this post, we walk you through what it means to gate your content and the pros and cons of doing so to help you decide whether or not it’s the right move for your content.
Read MoreThinking of using brand storytelling in your marketing strategy but don’t know where to begin? Look no further than this blog post for best practices in creating and wielding your brand’s story to strengthen your customer reach and engagement.
Read MoreLearn about the five types of website traffic and how they play into growing your website!
Read MoreMeet Instagram Reels. Reels are becoming increasingly popular and effective for marketing. In this post, we provide some examples of Reels we have used to grow engagement and how you can get started!
Read MoreIf you’re an education service provider, don’t rule out summer as a great time to market your products to schools that are looking for fresh programs. In this post, you will find a few tips to make the most out of selling during the summer.
Read MoreAre you exploring the idea of publishing your education book? Are you unsure of where to begin in finding a publisher or if you should self-publish? This post will guide you through the initial steps when it comes to publishing your educational PD book.
Read MoreWhen it comes to your website, it can be a useful tool to help market yourself as a speaker or author. Here are a few tips to make the most of your site.
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